In step one The clients explain as fully as the information you are seek What are your goals? And what we do You can request a review from a suggest.
In step two cafe lead's account Managers can identify your request . in this way, we send proposal & budget plan for clients.
In step three cafe lead's Strategists are ready to start to work on their client's plans and also they note all the demographic information about your consumers and create a content creation plan.
In step four cafe lead's account Managers & Strategists , will Design the Campaigns with different goals in their mind, including building a brand image, introducing a new product, increasing sales of a product already on the market, or even reducing the impact of negative.
In step five our team account manager & strategists team , designers & development team , content team & social media team, SEO team & SEM team will start to work on the client's project. Although in process we Control market for work on client's project is our goals.