Search Engine Marketing
Among this services,(CPC) services & especially google Ads have a vital role in today’s business cause:
about 95 percent of Turkish use google.
(The high council of Informatics of Turkey /October 2018)
Only this sentence is enough to help small and large business executives and owners to obtain more of the market share of the industry.
Also, this services in the fastest way to communicate with many clients in the digital world & also the meaning of one-day transformation can be understood.
Cafe lead agency claims to an implementation of click advertising campaigns with the highest possible returns and optimal performance in reaching the subscriber's goals/which offers the most suitable solutions for their partners and competition.
The other advantage(benefits) of this campaigns:
1-being seen by customers at the same time as their need.
2-with out waste of costs and the maximum power control and cost management/the choice of hours & days of the week in proportion ability to provide services to customers.
3-launching the campaigns in the shorter of time with a complete tangible result in 2 until 7 business day. completely independent also independent of time and space constraints.
4-one of the big step ahead of rivals,observing the principles in these campaigns that cause: increase competition, increase the brand awareness and also attract the customers from competitors.
5-the possibility measure of transparent and analysis of cost/benefit from beginning to end and allocating daily, weekly, and monthly budgets that based on efficiency and profitability of the campaigns.